a stitch in lime

stumbling into creativity

Shirred summer skirt


Well, I clearly couldn’t get Dana’s summer skirt tutorial out of my head since I posted about it the other day… so here is my new shirred summer skirt!

I ended up sewing this skirt from two of the second hand bed sheets I picked up from the thrift store not too long ago (the inside is lined with plain white to make the skirt less see-through). So while it’s nice and flowy, it’s also relatively substantial.

You’ll notice I opted for no pockets. No huge explanation behind that, except that I wasn’t so keen on giant pockets and they seemed a bit complicated to sew on. So to the chopping block they went!  I rarely have the patience to finish something with those kinds of details anyhow… I just get too excited about being done my project!

Also, verdict: Shirring is way easy, guys.  You just buy some elastic thread, wind it loosely around your bobbin (by hand), and sew as usual with normal thread up top.  It’s like magic.

….Pssst!  I’m participating in:
Sumo Sweet Stuff Photobucket

9 thoughts on “Shirred summer skirt

  1. Jana:

    The shirring is sure exquisite (no pun really intended). I kept looking at the skirt wondering how you made that out of an old sheet. My girl, you surpass excellence in this. You are learning, doing and you make it all look easy and professional. That’s a beautiful skirt with a humble beginning.
    You go girl. ma

  2. Oooh. I love it. Shirring though? It looks so pretty and sounds so scary. Is it as hard as I imagine?

  3. Love the skirt!! I’ll have to remember to look for sheets next time I’m at the thrift store!

    Thanks for linking @Creative Itch’s “Sew Cute Tuesday”!

  4. Such a great summer skirt. Nice work!

  5. Pingback: Hello, handbag. « a stitch in lime

  6. Hey hey, you got mentioned in the round up today at Prudent Baby!

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